La pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra
Basque Ball: The Skin against the Stone
Medem, who had already cast a sceptical eye on Basque obstinacy and the weight of tradition in his first film, Cows, made the surprising, many would say courageous, decision to turn his film-making skills to politics. The product of that move, a documentary, La Pelota Vasca: la Piel Contra la Piedra, is the most controversial thing to hit Spanish cinema for years. (Giles Tremlett )
European Panorama 2004
Medem Julio
Spain 2003
115 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Julio Medem
Cinematography Javier Aguirre, Ricardo de Gracia
Editing Julio Medem
Music Mikel Laboa
With Jose Maria Aznar (Archivmaterial), Txetxo Bengoetxea, Iñaki Gabilondo, Felipe Gonzálz, Fermín Muguruza, Orson Welles
Alicia Produce S.L. C/ San Bernardo 24 2º E-28015 Madrid T 91 7010152 91 7010153