Le Bois dont les rêves sont faits
The Woods Dreams Are Made of
As a reachable form of a lost Eden within everyone’s grasp, everybody comes to the Bois de Vincennes to seek refuge in nature. People from all walks of life have the right to be here: rich, poor, French, foreign, gay, straight, alone, accompanied, old school, or hip. The woods are an island surrounded by the towns that encircle it: a mirage dreamed-up by a fatigued city-dweller. The difficulty of living in the city is left behind. Here, we heal, we play, we have fun and we dream. Throughout the seasons, the series of exchanges speak of this utopia that everyone imagines for him or herself.
Director's Biography
CLAIRE SIMON, born in 1955, is the director of several award-winning short, feature, and documentary films. Her fiction films Ça brûle and God’s Offices were selected for the Directors’ Fortnight in Cannes. Human Geography won the FEDEORA Award at CROSSING EUROPE 2014. // Films (selection): Est-ce qu’on a gagné ou est-ce qu’on a encore perdu? (2004, short doc), Ça brûle (2006), Les Bureaux de Dieu (God’s Offices, 2008), Géographie humaine (Human Geography, 2013, doc; CE’14), Gare du Nord (2013; CE’14), Le bois dont les rêves sont faits (The Woods Dreams Are Made of, 2015, doc)
European Panorama Documentary 2016
Claire Simon
France / Switzerland 2015
146 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Claire Simon
Cinematography Claire Simon
Editing Luc Forveille
Sound/Sounddesign Olivier Hespel, François Musy, Gabriel Hafner
Producer(s) Jean-Luc Ormieres (Just Sayin’ Films, FR), Sandrine Dumas (Pio & Co, FR), Francine Lusser, Gérard Monier (Tipimages Productions, CH)
Just Sayin’ Films 47 rue de Paradis 75010 Paris Frankreich
Weltpremiere / World Premiere
Locarno International Film Festival 2015
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere
Locarno International Film Festival 2015
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere