List do Polski
Letter to Poland
Prompted by the high number of Polish immigrants in Brussels, in this film I question my identity and write a letter to my Polish alter ego. LETTER TO POLAND is a journey back to childhood and the search for an answer to the question: What if we had not emigrated?
Director's Biography
Jola Wieczorek, geboren 1983 in Polen, wuchs in Bad Ischl auf. Sie studierte Medienmanagement in St. Pölten und Audiovisuelle Kommunikation in Barcelona. 2012 erhält sie ein Erasmus Mundus Stipendium für den internationalen Masterstudiengang in Dokumentarfilmregie „DocNomads“. // Filme (Auswahl): THE WINDOW (2012, doc), ÉPOCA BAIXA (2013, doc), BORDER CROSSERS (2013, doc), LIST DO POLSKI (Letter to Poland, 2014; CE '15), O QUE RESTA (2014, doc)
Local Artists 2015
Jola Wiezorek
Austria / Belgium 2014
9 minutes
OV with English subtitles