Miss Kicki

After long online chats on the web with the Taiwanese Businessman, Mr Chang, Miss Kicki decides to travel to Taipei and pay her online paramour a surprise visit. Not willing to travel alone, she invites her 16-year old son Viktor to join her on the trip, on the pretext that they need to get reacquainted after being separated for many years. But when Victor discovers the real purpose of the journey, Kicki has to prove to him (and herself) that she can become the mother he always missed.

Director's Biography
Hakon Liu, geb. 1975 in Kirkenes, Norwegen, wuchs in Taiwan auf. Nachdem er an der Osloer Kunsthochschule studiert hatte, machte er im Jahr 2005 seinen Abschluss im Fach Regie an der Filmhochschule im schwedischen Göteborg. Einer Reihe von Kurzfilmen folgt nun mit Miss Kicki Lius erster Spielfilm.

Filme (Auswahl): Push (2001, KF), Jag og mine husmødre (2002, Dok), The Squirrel (2004, KF/Experimentalfilm), Kär i natten (2005, KF), Lucky Blue (2007, KF), Habib (TV-Serie, 8 Episoden 2008-2009), Miss Kicki (2009), Kill me, Fuck me, Hug me (in Arbeit)
European Panorama Fiction 2011
Håkon Liu
Sweden / Taiwan 2009
85 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Alex Haridi
Cinematography Ari Willey
Editing Fredrik Morheden
Sound/Sounddesign Tang Shiang-Chu, Tu Duu-Chih
Music Fredrik Viklund
With Pernilla August, Ludwig Palmell, Huang He River, Eric Tsang, Tsai Chen-nan
Migma Film AB Adlerbethsgatan 19 112 55 Stockholm Schweden T +46 8 653 9340 F +46 8 440 7569 info@migmafilm.se www.migmafilm.se