Miss Magnetiq: Attack of the Inexpressible Segullserkurkuskrímsliðýrr
Deadpool, Captain America 3, X-Men: Apocalypse, or Doctor Strange: 2016 will be the year of superheroes! The definitive highlight, of course, is our own local heroine Miss Magnetiq: in a wild mix of action, horror, sci-fi, and western, humanity finds itself confronted with the most inexpressible monster in film history.
Director's Biography
QUJOCHÖ agiert an den Schnittstellen von Kunst, Politik, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. // Filme (Auswahl): Miss Magnetiq: Die Stahlstadt Als Elektromagnetisches Feld (2014; CE’15), Miss Magnetiq: Attack of the Inexpressible Segull Serkurkuskrímsliðýrr (2015)
Local Artists 2016
qujOchÖ, (Jakob Dietrich, Verena Henetmayr, Luzi Katamay und Thomas Philipp)
Austria 2015
3 minutes