Na Putu

On the Path

Loving young couple Luna and Amar try their best to overcome unexpected obstacles that threaten their relationship. After Amar’s dramatic change in a fundamentalist community, Luna tears herself apart pondering if love is truly enough to keep this couple together on the path to a lifetime of happiness ... On the Path offers a concise dramatic examination of the conflict between traditionalist Islam and secular modernity. (Jonathan Romney)

Director's Biography
Jasmila Žbanić, geb. 1974 in Sarajevo. Studium an der Akademie für Darstellende Kunst, Sarajevo. 1997 gründete sie in Sarajevo die Künstlervereinigung und spätere Filmproduktion Deblokada, mit der sie Kurz- und Dokumentarfilme sowie Kunstvideos realisierte. Grbavica, ihr erster Spielfilm, gewann 2007 in Berlin den Goldenen Bären, mit On The Path war sie heuer erneut im Wettbewerb der Berlinale vertreten.

Filme (Auswahl): Autobiography (1995, KF), After, After (1997, KF/Dok), To and Fro (2002, KF), Do You Remember Sarajevo (2003, Dok), Lost and Found (Co-Regie, 2005; CE 2005), Grbavica (2006), Builder’s Diary (2007, Dok), Na Putu (On the Path, 2010)
European Panorama Fiction · Eröffnungsfilme | Opening Films 2010
Jasmila Žbanić
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Austria / Germany / Croatia 2010
100 minutes
OV with English subtitles / OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Jasmila Žbanić
Cinematography Christine A. Maier
Editing Niki Mossböck
Music Brano Jakubovic
With Zrinka Cvitešić, Leon Lučev, Ermin Bravo,cMirjana Karanović, Nina Violić, Marija Köhn, Sebastijan Cavazza
Deblokada Produkcija Kranjćeviceva 43 71000 Sarajevo Bosnien-Herzegowina T +387 33 668 559 F +387 33 668 559