Neben meinem Bruder

Next to my Brother

The twins have shared one identity since birth. The brothers take turns going to school, sleep together in one bed and answer to the name Thomas. Despite all their differences, they share a passion for painting. After years of a covert twin existence, the brothers are on the verge of a breakthrough, when everything turns out differently than it was planned, and they have to face what has always been kept secret.

Director's Biography
Markus Englmair, geb. 1986 in Linz. Schon während seiner Gymnasialzeit fand er zur Filmkunst. Erste Projekte verwirklichte er als Vierzehnjähriger. Nach einem Bachelor-Grad im Studienfach Digitales Fernsehen schloss er 2011 an der FH Salzburg den Master-Studiengang MultiMediaArt ab. // Filme (Auswahl): VERTAN, VERTAN …, (2007), AUF DER SPUR EINER SPRACHE (2009), SPOTLIGHT(2010), NEBEN MEINEM BRUDER (2011)
Local Artists 2012
Markus Englmair
Austria 2011
80 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Markus Englmair
Cinematography Julia Richter
Editing Tanja Schmoller, Julia Richter, Harald Prochaska
Music Martin Sachsenhofer
With Pierre Kiwitt, Jodie Ahlborn, Michael Hase, Steven Cloos, Ricarda Zimmerer, Tatjana Scheel, Anja Karmanski, Hans Bumberger, Philipp Breitfuß, Steve Hardt, Aaron Thiesse