not even nothing can be free of ghosts

Kohlberger’s audiovisual experiments provide the audience with powerful physical and metaphysical experiences, which go far beyond the usual ones in the cinema. Image surface and image space meld into one (consciousness-)state, in which categories such as real and unreal, material and immaterial, and 2D and 3D appear obsolete. (Norbert Pfaffenbichler)

Director's Biography
RAINER KOHLBERGER, geb. 1982 in Linz, lebt als Videokünstler/Mediengestalter in Berlin. // Filme (Auswahl): moon blink (2015; CE’15), not even nothing can be free of ghosts (2016)
Local Artists 2016
Rainer Kohlberger
Austria / Germany 2016
11 minutes
without dialogue
Verleih in Österreich / Austrian Distribution
Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna, Austria