Sea Concrete Human - Malfunctions#1
In an empty "région centrale," the melancholy of La Jetée in the year 2001 meets Carpenter's Antarctic station, Fog and indistinct Phantoms, sounds and quotes from Alien 1 & 2. Just as in the early Cronenberg, filmed series of tests fail due to the willfulness of the living, memory effects and ghost images supersede the will to know as in paranoid fake documentaries. A film which implies a great deal though it remains scarce. A Foucaultian sci-fi thriller. Uncanny vitality is demonstrated in a tentative journey through the atmospheric quality of matter and memory. (Drehli Robnik)
Director's Biography
Michael Palm, geb. 1965 in Linz. Studien an der Wiener Filmakademie und an der Universität Wien. Seit 1988 ist er als freier Filmschaffender in den Bereichen Schnitt und Musik/Tongestaltung aktiv, seit 2001 als Regisseur. // Filme (Auswahl): EDGAR G. ULMER – THE MAN OFF-SCREEN (2004; CE '05), LAWS OF PHYSICS (2008; CE '09), BODY TRAIL (2009, gemeinsam mit Willi Dorner; CE '10), LOW DEFENITION CONTROL – MALFUNCTIONS #0 (2011), SET IN MOTION (2012, gemeinsam mit Willi Dorner; CE '12)
Local Artists 2012
Michael Palm
Austria 2001
color & black and white
29 minutes
OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Michael Palm
Cinematography Michael Palm
Editing Michael Palm
Sound/Sounddesign Michael Palm
Music Michael Palm