They Wanted to Be Loved

A vague love story. A couple visits silent places around an unknown city. While they slowly get to know each other, the places they visit guard a memory of their encounter.

Director's Biography
Bernhard Hetzenauer (*1981, Innsbruck) studied scenography, film, and Gestalt therapy in Vienna, Hamburg, New York, Buenos Aires and Quito. His films deal with questions of subjectivity, representation and memory. He lives in Linz, Berlin and Mexico City.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
They Wanted to Be Loved (2022) - El lunar en su espalda (The Birthmark, 2019, co-directed with Pia Ilonka Schenk Jensen; CE'20) - La sombra de un dios (A God's Shadow, 2017; CE'18) - Lo que quedo guardado - Was unausgesprochen blieb (What Remained Unspoken, 2010; CE'10)
Local Artists 2023
Bernhard Hetzenauer
Austria / Germany / Mexico 2022
14 minutes
without dialogue
Screenplay Bernhard Hetzenauer
Cinematography Bernhard Hetzenauer
Editing Bernhard Hetzenauer
Sound/Sounddesign Daniela López Guerrero
Producer(s) Bernhard Hetzenauer
Additional Credits
Farbkorrektur: Aarón Galán, Bildpostproduktion: Víctor Gómez
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Morelia International Film Festival, Mexico, 2022