Working Class
Veikko Aaltonen‘s Työväenluokka imperturbably takes stock of the Finnish (and also European) working class. The film approaches the activities of its protagonists in heavy industry with a calm, observing, classically documentary gesture – and along with the labour, it more and more often finds images of control rooms, computer monitors, people waiting. Working class‘ values are most likely to be reflected still in the biographies that are told and the May parades, whereas the living room furnishings and leisure activities tell of the bourgeois. The film documents a slow but steady transformation.
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2006
Veikko Aaltonen
Finland 2004
84 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Veikko Aaltonen, Heikki Partanen
Cinematography Pekka Uotila
Editing Veikko Aaltonen
Music Mauri Sumén
Alppiharjun Elokuva Oy Viipurinkatu 16 B 22 00510 Helsinki Finnland T +359 9 148 16 36 alppiharjunelokuva@jippii.fi