Über eine Straße
About a Street
To mark the festival anniversary, highlights from the early years that reflect the spirit of CROSSING EUROPE will be shown again on the big screen: The very first opening film, the 2004 documentary ÜBER EINE STRASSE | ABOUT A STREET by Edith Stauber and Michaela Mair, is a long-term observation of urban life in Linz. The film will not only be shown in the European Panorama Special section, but also as a kick-off prior to the start of the festival, a CROSSING EUROPE open-air film event (free entry) at Lentos Kunstmuseum on 21 April, 8 p.m. A typical thoroughfare in Linz. This is not a boulevard, it is a one-way artery with traffic noise and pollution. That is exactly what interested the filmmakers the most: What is it like to live here? The manifold everyday life of the street that is not visible at first glance unfolds in this film in episodes.
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Über eine Straße (About a Street, 2004, doc; CE'04 & 23) - Adalbert Stifter / 24 Ansichten (Adalbert Stifter / 24 Observations, 2022, short, Stauber; CE'22) - Linz / Stadtpfarrkirche (Linz / City Parish Church, 2019, short, Stauber; CE'19) - Stunden Minuten Tage (Hours Minutes Days, 2017, short, Stauber; CE'17 & 19) - Nachbehandlung (After Treatment, 2012, short, Stauber; CE'12 & 19) - 3 Miniaturen aus dem Leben mit 47 (3 Miniatures from Life at 47, 2015, short, Stauber; CE'16 & 19) - Eintritt zum Paradies um 3€20 (Admission to Paradise for 3€20, 2008, short, Stauber; CE'08 & 19). In 2019, CROSSING EUROPE dedicated a Local Artists special to Edith Stauber.
Über eine Straße (About a Street, 2004, doc; CE'04 & 23) - Adalbert Stifter / 24 Ansichten (Adalbert Stifter / 24 Observations, 2022, short, Stauber; CE'22) - Linz / Stadtpfarrkirche (Linz / City Parish Church, 2019, short, Stauber; CE'19) - Stunden Minuten Tage (Hours Minutes Days, 2017, short, Stauber; CE'17 & 19) - Nachbehandlung (After Treatment, 2012, short, Stauber; CE'12 & 19) - 3 Miniaturen aus dem Leben mit 47 (3 Miniatures from Life at 47, 2015, short, Stauber; CE'16 & 19) - Eintritt zum Paradies um 3€20 (Admission to Paradise for 3€20, 2008, short, Stauber; CE'08 & 19). In 2019, CROSSING EUROPE dedicated a Local Artists special to Edith Stauber.
Special · European Panorama Documentary 2023
Edith Stauber, Michaela Mair
Austria 2004
94 minutes
German OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Edith Stauber
Cinematography Edith Stauber
Editing Janusz Kondratiuk, Edith Stauber
With Afshin Amin, Stavros Balauras, Florian Buchmayer, Chor der Singakademie Linz, Ronald Dobrovolny, Familie Fitzinger, Fuljo Halilovic, Vedat Karakus, Erich Klinger, Thomas Maureder, Thomas Reiter, Alfred Roland, Edeltraud und Walter Schlachta, Elisabeth Sturm, Gertrud Zauner
World Premiere
Crossing Europe 2004