
The documentary filmmaker Djordje Čenić sets out on an autobiographical journey through time, which begins in the mid-seventies in the Yugoslavian “guest worker milieu” in Linz and leads him to his original home town, which was destroyed by war, in today’s Croatia. In sometimes absurdly comical, sometimes tragic episodes telling of minor triumphs and major defeats, of homesickness and class oppositions, Čenić allows us deep insights into his family history, thereby illustrating the balancing act between “above” and “below”, exemplifying generations of guest workers.

Director's Biography
DJORDJE ČENIĆ geb. 1975 in Linz als „Gastarbajterkind“. Er lebt in Salzburg und arbeitet als Historiker, Musiker und Filmemacher. // Filme (Auswahl): Der Zeremonienmeister (Co- Regie Simon Loidl, 2000, short doc), Romski Bal (Co-Regie Dominik Spritzendorfer, 2006,doc), Gastarbajteri (Co-Regie Sabine Fuchs, Simon Loidl, 2007, doc), Unten (2016, doc)

HERMANN PESECKAS, geb. 1950 in Deutschland, Filmemacher und Gründungsmitglied der Plattform Studio West – Independent Film. // Filme (Auswahl): Letzte Hoffnung Spanien. Protokoll e einer Odyssee (Co-Regie Karin Helml, 2006, doc), Im Ghetto. Die Roma von Stolipinovo (2009, doc), In meinen Adern fliesst kasachischer Tee (2013, doc), Unten (2016, doc)
2016: CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award – Local Artist
Local Artists 2016
Djordje Čenić, Herman Peseckas
Austria 2016
87 minutes
OV with German subtitles
Screenplay Djordje Čenić, Hermann Peseckas
Cinematography Hermann Peseckas, Djordje Čenić
Editing Dominik Spritzendorfer
Music Djoki Django (Djordje Čenić)
Producer(s) Djordje Čenić (AT)
Djordje Čenić Maxglaner Hauptstraße 19a 5020 Salzburg djordjecenic55@yahoo.com
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
World Premiere

Award Winning Film 2016:
CROSSING EUROPE Social Awareness Award - Local Artist