Šutnja razuma
Silence of Reason
Foča is a municipality in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina where women were raped and abused on a large scale during the Bosnian war, mostly by Serbian fighters. This was cause for the Yugoslavia Tribunal to designate “systematic rape” and “sexual slavery” – war crimes that frequently went unprosecuted – as torture and crimes against humanity. As a result, these crimes can now be universally prosecuted. In this forensic video essay, filmmaker Kumjana Novakova uses mostly written testimonies by the women to explore the collective memory of the rape camps. In grainy video footage, the camera explores the places where these inhuman crimes took place, while the women speak about the unspeakable. (IDFA)
Director's Filmography (Selection)
Šutnja razuma (Silence of Reason, 2023, doc) - Disturbed Earth (2021, doc, with Guillermo Carreras-Candi) - Možeše da bide film (It Could Be a Film, 2016, doc short) - SK 2014 (2014, doc short, with Guillermo Carreras-Candi, Emilio Guerra Delgado)
Šutnja razuma (Silence of Reason, 2023, doc) - Disturbed Earth (2021, doc, with Guillermo Carreras-Candi) - Možeše da bide film (It Could Be a Film, 2016, doc short) - SK 2014 (2014, doc short, with Guillermo Carreras-Candi, Emilio Guerra Delgado)
Competition Documentary 2024
Kumjana Novakova
North Macedonia / Bosnia and Herzegovina 2023
63 minutes
Bosnian / English OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Kumjana Novakova
Editing Jelena Maksimović
Sound/Sounddesign Vladimir Živković
Producer(s) Kumjana Novakova
Medea, Pravo Ljudski
World Sales
Institute of Documentary Film
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
Sarajevo Film Festival 2023