Vaters Garten - Die Liebe meiner Eltern
Father's Garden - The Love of My Parents
“For heaven's sake – what a question!” exclaims the mother as her son begins the conversation; they had avoided one another for decades. The film traces a reencounter between the director and his aged parents. It is an attempt at a personal revision of the past. In the process, a new view of his parents emerges, which also provides again and again insight into a bygone era. The story of their marriage, however, borders on a classic drama, leaving us feeling forlorn and miserable even today. Using puppets, the director consolidates the portrait of his parents into a fictional family tribunal. A subtle tribute to the over-eighty generation as it silently takes leave from a world which has long since left them behind.
Director's Biography
Peter Liechti, born 1951 in Switzerland. Studied art history at the University of Zurich. Since 1986 freelance work in films as scriptwriter, director, producer and cameraman. FATHER'S GARDEN premiered in the Berlinale Forum in 2013. // Films (selected): HANS IM GLÜCK - VON EINEM DER AUSZOG; DAS RAUCHEN LOSZUWERDEN (Lucky Jack – The Smoker Film, 2003; CE '04), HARDCORE CHAMBERMUSIC (2006; CE '07), DAS SUMMEN DER INSEKTEN (The Sound of Insects, 2009), VATERS GARTEN – DIE LIEBE MEINER ELTERN (Fathers's Garden – The Love of My Parents, 2013)
2013: FEDEORA AWARDS for European Documentaries
European Panorama Documentary 2013
Peter Liechti
Switzerland 2013
93 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Peter Liechti
Cinematography Peter Liechti
Editing Tania Stöcklin
Sound/Sounddesign Florian Eidenbenz
Music Dominik Blum, Tamriko Kordzaia, Irina Vardeli, Ensemble Recherche a. o.
With Max and Hedy Liechti
Liechti Filmproduktion GmbH Birmensdorferstrasse 51 8004 Zurich Switzerland T / F +41 44 242 61 09