
As Alma enters familiar spaces of times past, she is hurled into a stream of unconsciousness. Voyage is departure without arrival: a journey into the own unknown. Utilizing a low frame rate and featuring a prominent musical score, the film comes to life as a picturesque river of dreamlike images.

Director's Biography
ERICH GOLDMANN, geb. 1968 in Freistadt, arbeitet an der Schnittstelle von Installation, Film, Fotografie und Performance. // Filme (Auswahl): Longing (2012; CE ’13), Voyage (2015)
JUDITH SEITHER, geb. in Landau, ist Schauspielerin und Co-Regisseurin von Voyage.
Local Artists 2016
Erich Goldmann, Judith Seither
Austria 2015
15 minutes
without dialogue