Wie ich ein freier Reisebegleiter wurde
A staged documentary film in the land of 1-Euro jobs: Jan Peters attempts to get practical training with an early pensioner in Frankfurt, who supplements his meagre pension with the help of a ”hot business idea“: freelance tour guiding. This means that he buys a group ticket for public transportation every day and then takes his customers from the airport to wherever they want to go for a small fee. This brings him a profit of between 15 and 20 Euros a day. With a business card, overalls and a fine fragrance to induce confidence, there is nothing in the way of a picture-book career ...
Arbeitswelten | Working Worlds 2007
Jan Peters
Germany 2007
15 minutes
Screenplay Jan Peters
Cinematography Marcus Winterbauer
Editing Sandra Trosel
Music Pit Przygodda
KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V. Friedensallee 7 22765 Hamburg Deutschland T +49 40 3910 63 28 F +49 40 3910 63 20 arbeit@shortfilm.com www.shortfilm.com
World Sales
KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V. Friedensallee 7 22765 Hamburg Deutschland T +49 40 3910 63 28 F +49 40 3910 63 20 arbeit@shortfilm.com www.shortfilm.com