Wir waren niemals hier
We Never Were Here
The band “Mutter” is something of a phenomenon. Their music is, by turns, loud and brutish and tender and transient – a style that has caused both their audiences as well as a string of producers to take to their heels. And yet, although the band’s highly distinctive sound has been making a mark on the German music scene for the past 18 years, fame has somehow eluded the band itself, for “Mutter” defies all attempts at pigeonholing. The film accompanies the band on a tour through Germany and Switzerland, interweaving private Super8 images with the band‘s history and the musicians‘ unusual biographies.
Panorama Special · Musicdocs 2006
Antonia Ganz
Germany 2005
100 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Antonia Ganz
Cinematography Antonia Ganz
Editing Antonia Ganz
Music Honkas, Campingsex, Mutter, Max Müller
With Max Müller, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Frank Behnke, Kerl Fieser, Tom Scheutzlich, Jörg Buttgereit, Diedrich Diederichsen, Jochen Distelmeyer, Regina Hoppe, Rocko Schamoni
Die Eigene Gesellschaft Dresdener Straße 22 10999 Berlin Deutschland T +49 30 74 07 33 15 markus.seitz@die-eigene-gesellschaft.de www.wir-waren-niemals-hier.de