New Festival Award: CROSSING EUROPE Innovation Award – Local Artist
03.04.2024 //
This year, the Crossing Europe Awards Ceremony (4 May, 7:30 p.m.) will be enriched by a third award in the context of the program section Competition Local Artists: The CROSSING EUROPE Innovation Award – Local Artist was initiated by ANIMA PLUS – Verein zur Förderung der Animationskunst and carries a cash prize of € 2,000, powered by Land Oberösterreich Kultur and Linz Kultur. The Jury Competition Local Artists gives out the award to one outstanding work from the field of animation art.
The association ANIMA PLUS, founded in Linz in the early summer of 2023, supports projects in animation art and culture in Upper Austria and beyond. It looks to give artists the opportunity to express their abilities and talents free from economic requirements. The association’s planned resp. already realized activities include public workshops or the presentation of animated projects realized in the context of ANIMA PLUS. More info can be found on the association’s website.