Media Response 2019
Media Response 2019
Linz: „A collective social moment”
Matthias Greuling / Celluloid Filmmagazine (AT)
Europe’s cinematographic homes – the cinematographic landscape of Europe is suffering from the political climate. That is one of the common themes of this year’s Crossing Europe festival.
Marian Wilhelm / Die Dolomiten (IT)
Because it is necessary, even for the best festivals to try out something new every now and again, this year the so-called YAAAS!-Youth Program joined the established program sections this year.
Alexandra Seitz / epd film (DE)
Austria’s most intriguing film festival.
red / Falter (AT)
At Crossing Europe you literally stare into the face of contemporary Europe: Once again it is a cinematic journey that tells of great political situations through private stories. […] the social and therefore also the political explosive nature of the films is highly dense. All the stories and visions come together to make up a puzzle of Europe. And the all cinematographic representations of reality culminate in one big mindfuck (meant in the best way possible).
Maria Motter / (AT)
Elective affinities of a continent – the Crossing Europe film festival Linz dedicates itself once more to cinematic observations of social and cultural change in Europe.
Thomas Taborsky / Die Furche (AT)
More than forty countries are represented, and not only does the selection account for a great variety in topics, but also the bandwidth of formal means of expression goes to prove that, despite tendencies of homogenization, there is a cultural diversity in Europe that speaks for itself.
Markus Vorauer / Church newspaper Diözese Linz (AT)
149 films for new ways of seeing – once more, for five days Linz becomes the Mecca for cineasts who venture off the beaten path.
Jasmin Gaderer / Kronen Zeitung Oberösterreich (AT)
Fresh and individual auteur cinema – films with character, in their own handwriting and of topical relevance, that is what defined the 16th edition of the film festival in Linz.
Walter Gasperi / (AT)
You should really be in Linz. The film festival distinguishes itself through hand-picked, European auteur cinema.
Alexaandra Seibel / Kurier (AT)
Once more Linz becomes the screen for Europe – in midst of a time of tendencies of secession, movements of migration, and every form of escalation imaginable, one month prior to the European elections, Crossing Europe once again takes a critical stance.
Mariella Moshammer / Neues Volksblatt (AT)
Crossing Europe also focuses on where it hurts. In 150 works, the film festival in Linz takes a close look at the beautiful but also tried continent.
Nora Bruckmüller / OÖ Nachrichten (AT)
As was to be expected, the program is well mixed and European – and decidedly political. A spectacular and unexpected focal point this year was dedicated to the cinematic heritage of Albania.
Magdalena Miedl / (AT)
For the span of six days, Crossing Europe turns Linz into a melting pot for fans of European cinema.
Katharina Maurer / ORF Radio Oberösterreich (AT)
All of Europe can be felt at the Crossing Europe international film festival in Linz. […] The 16th edition of Crossing Europe offers a cinematic and exciting journey through Europe. A journey shaped by private stories that tell of big political situations.
Tiziana Aricò /ORF ZiB1 (AT)
A window to an expanded world – films from the quilt that is Europe. This year’s program was teeming with fascinating female characters.
Andrey Arnold / Die Presse (AT)
The 16th edition of the Crossing Europe film festival in Linz presented politically illuminating and aesthetically bold films. Christine Dollhofer, the founder and director of Crossing Europe fitted the 16th edition of the festival with intense cinematic works that not only showed us new perspectives on European auteur cinema – as was the case with the brilliant showing of the complete works by the Spanish conceptional filmmaker Jaime Rosales – but also aided in understanding and shedding light on current political woes and states.
Stefan Grissemann / profil (AT)
Films about feeling alone and films about solidarity, films that tell of love and give hope, films concerned with violence and power.
Erich Tomandl and Johannes Mayerbrugger / Radio Fro (AT)
Critical and varied. Once again, Crossing Europe shows films that take a stance.
Eva Pakisch / Raffeisen Zeitung (AT)
That Crossing Europe has been taking place every year since 2004 can most definitely be seen as a success story, especially considering that the films shown at the festival mostly stray from usual blockbuster patterns. European film is shown in all its diversity and even in times in which the European Union has to deal with immense backlash, the festival still feels a political obligation to the continent.
Oliver Stangl / ray film magazine (AT)
What began as an optimistic taking a look at the bigger European picture has become more political than ever this year.
Magdalena Miedl / Salzburger Nachrichten (AT)
Just before the European elections, the Crossing Europe film festival once again achieves to leave its mark with the 16th edition.
Kurt Hofmann / Sozialistische Zeitung (DE)
For the 16th edition of the Crossing Europe film festival in Linz there were a number of impressive debuts to be seen. Out of detailed surveys of local situations they reached up to global connections.
Dominik Kamalzadeh / Der Standard | (AT)
Sit still during the day, then dance the night away. A motto that makes for the good life at Crossing Europe. Samira Saad and Christian Haselmayer curated the Crossing Europe Nightline for the first time this year with a lot of love and motivation.
Lisa Leeb / (AT)
Crossing Europe offers a cinematic menu all through the European continent.
red / Tips Linz (AT)