Press Release #2/21
Tribute 2021 – Ivan Ostrochovský | YAAAS! Competition Titles & School Screenings
As was announced in January, the eighteenth edition of CROSSING EUROPE Film Festival Linz will take place from 1 to 6 June 2021 this year. By moving the date, we hope to be able to carry out the festival as an in-person event, while adhering to the guidelines concerning Covid-19.
Next to the many organizational challenges we are faced with this year due to Corona, the work on this year’s CROSSING EUROPE festival program is already heavily underway. At the present moment in the festival office everyone is currently dealing with the final selection of the films. After months of watching around 900 European productions – including 160 works by local filmmakers from Upper Austria – we are in the process of setting the programmatic direction.
In this context we are happy to announce that we are able to present the first program highlights of the 18th edition of CROSSING EUROPE: The Tribute this year will be dedicated to the Slovakian director and producer Ivan Ostrochovský, and our YAAAS! Young Programmers have already come to their final selection for the YAAAS! Competition – out of the six feature films, three of the productions will be shown as special school screenings (adapted to the current Covid-19 rules and regulations): Gagarine (FR 2020, directed by Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh), Stambul Garden (DE 2020, directed by Ilker Çatak) and Slalom (FR, BE 2020, directed by Charlène Favier).