At the heart of the youth program is a format, in which we offer you the chance to work in teams of eight to ten people, supported by media professionals, in order to produce your own contributions about a hot topic in terms of media policy. Usually it would be important to us to mix up people and teams in this project, but due to the pandemic, the teams will remain among themselves this year, i.e. they will come from the same school or class. Apart from that, everything will remain the same: We will provide a film professional as a mentor, equipment, space to work at the festival location, catering and festival accreditation. The theme of the video project will combine two aspects: on the one hand, the motto of the festival to connect Europe and make it borderless, and on the other hand, to be of particular relevance for young people.
If you are interested in the YAAAS! Videoproject 2022 and want to realize a video in an international mixed team, send us a few lines about yourself and a video you made to until January 8, 2022.

YAAAS! Video Project 2021
Mentors 2021: