María (y los demás)
Maria (and everybody else)
Ever since her mum died when she was fifteen, María has taken care of her father and her siblings. Responsible and in control, she’s always been a rock for the family and feels proud of her efforts. That’s why her father’s sudden love for his nurse and the announcement of their marriage brings María’s world crashing down around her. At the age of thirty-five and unable to find a steady partner, she’ll have to take the plunge and dare to change her own fate. Nely Reguera’s engaging debut drama, shot through with a fine strand of humor, is a portrait of a woman with a tendency to procrastinate, overwhelmed by her social obligations. (Alfonso Rivera, Cineuropa)
Director's Biography
NELY REGUERA, born in 1978, studied filmmaking at the Escuela Superior de Cine y Audiovisuales de Cataluña – ESCAC in Barcelona. She is the director of the documentary Muxía a ferida about the consequences of the Prestige oil catastrophe and the 2009 award-winning short film Pablo. Nely Reguera currently teaches at ESCAC. María (and Everybody Else) is her first feature-length film. // Films (selection): Muxía a ferida (2005, doc), Pablo (2009, short), María (y los demás) (María (and Everybody Else), 2016)
European Panorama Fiction 2017
Nely Reguera
Spain 2016
96 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Nely Reguera, Eduard Sola, Valentina Viso, Roger Sogues, Diego Ameixeiras
Cinematography Aitor Echeverría
Editing Aina Calleja
Sound/Sounddesign Juan Gay, Diego Staub, Miguel Barbosa
Music Nico Casal
With Bárbara Lennie, José Ángel Egido, Rocío León, Pablo Derqui, Vito Sanz, Julián Villagrán, María Vázquez, Aixa Villagrán, Marina Skell, Xulio Abonjo, Miguel de Lira
Producer(s) Luisa Romeo (Frida Films, ES), María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz (Avalon, ES)
Frida Films Rúa de Altamira 14 15704 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Austrian Premiere
Weltpremiere / World Premiere San Sebastián International Film Festival 2016
Internationale Premiere / International Premiere
Busan International Film Festival 2016
Premierenstatus / Premiere Status
Austrian Premiere