
Day of the Tiger

Haunted by the true story of an animal’s escape from a zoo in Sibiu, Romanian filmmaker Andrei Tănase’s subtle exploration of love and loss is set in a town terrified by a tiger on the loose. While emotionally drained vet Vera goes about her day, her small world is shaken by the arrival of a new resident at the zoo. Kept as a pet in a cage in a disused pool, the tiger awakens her nurturing side. But as revelations about her marriage and past unravel, the escape of the big cat brings things to a tense conclusion. The primal pull of the animal kingdom versus Vera’s complex inner torment is played out with minimal dialogue against a soundtrack of the natural world. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)

Director's Filmography (Selection)
Tigru (Day of the Tiger, 2023) - Prima noapte (First Night, 2016, short) - Vacanța la țară (Summer Break, 2015, short) - Clandestin (2014, short)
Competition Fiction 2024
Andrei Tănase
Romania / France / Greece 2023
80 minutes
OV with English subtitles
Screenplay Andrei Tănase
Cinematography Barbu Bălășoiu
Editing Smaro Papaevangelou
Sound/Sounddesign Marius Leftărache, Marian Bălan
Music JB Dunckel
With Cătălina Moga, Paul Ipate, Alex Velea
Producer(s) Anamaria Antoci, Irena Isbășescu, Adrian Silișteanu
Domestic Film
World Sales
Totem Films
Austrian Premiere
World Premiere
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2023