Our YAAAS! Young Programmers Angelina Bernacki, Nick Steiblmüller and Sarah Wagner from Stiftsgymnasium Wilhering, Mira Mittermair and Anna-Lena Pixner from the HBLA für künstlerische Gestaltung, Anar Erdene-Ochir (HTL1 Bau und Design Linz) and Jonas Liemer (BRG Fadingerstraße) are selecting six titles for the YAAAS! Competition. The prize winning film will be awarded with the Crossing Europe Award – YAAAS! Youth Jury (prize money: € 3.000,- powered by VdFS Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden). The Young Programmers also introduce the films at the YAAAS! screenings and lead the film discussions with the film guests in attendance.

Thomas Benda & Lina Eberhart (YAAAS! Young Programmers 2024), Sabine Gebetsroither (Co-Festival Director)

Alain Parroni (Director- UNA STERMINATA DOMENICA, IT/DE/IE 2023 ), Selina Bartuschek & Thomas Benda (YAAAS! Young Programmers 2024)

Florentia Gruber, Lisa Felleitner (YAAAS! Young Programmers 2024)